Monday, March 17, 2014

Details two ways your country or local government could address and stop those environmental threats.

In this situation what the government has to do and not just the government also the people living in this Biome are: 

      Create a network in the population living in this area. The best way to maintain rainforests is to support and empower the people who are connected to these ecosystems and who depend on them most. Forest dependent communities are the most knowledgeable and the most invested when it comes to the fate of forests. Given the chance, rainforest communities tend to be a forest’s strongest and most reliable defender.
From food and medicine to sustainable agroforestry and small scale harvesting of forest products, forest dependent communities often know how to draw what they need from the forests without destroying them in the process. Stay in contact with the communities and local organizations closest to the forest destruction we are seeking to stop.
These relationships are invaluable to ensure the work we do at the national and international level is aligned with and mutually supportive of the efforts of those on the frontlines.

      The second solutions I think it can be helpful for maintain sustainability between the people and the forest is to provide training and create awareness in those people. Because the government can create a law where don’t allow people to hunt in the Rio Platano Biosphere, bet those lows just are write in papers and people don’t make it happen. So that it’s not a good solution for these problems that are carrying with our entire environmental heritage. 

Another thing the government can do is create more jobs. This will help the community to have sustainability with the forest. Because if they don’t have jobs, they don’t going to have money to support their families and the only solution they can find is to go and try to find food to take home for their families, and where is the food? The animals living in the forest it’s free they don’t have to pay for that. That became a serious problem for the entire environment and allows the animals to disappear. 

In conclusion the best way to stop that environmental threat is to create a network in the communities living in this area, create awareness by training the people and create jobs for families to support their necessities.

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