Monday, March 17, 2014

Three pre-review Articles about animals and environmental or ecosystems in home

Colibrí Esmeralda (Amazilia luciae) in Honduras

Amazilia luciae is a proper endemic bird of Honduras, and you can’t find it in another place on the world. Also this article say that this bird is in ‘Critically Endangered.’ This is really bad because this bird is considered as one of the 30 wonders of Honduras, because it’s beautiful blue colorful unique aspect.  Colibri Esmeralda is endemic to dry forests of Honduras, specifically in Aguan Valley (Santa Barbara), and Agalta Valley (Olancho). The good news is that this bird was founded in another state of Honduras Gracias a Dios (Lempira) in one study made by Honduran ornithologist. 

Bird Conservation International. [Cited 2014 Mar. 16]. Avalible from:


Plants and Animals in Honduras
 According to the eHow article Honduras is the second-largest nation in Central America. Despite aggressive deforestation, Honduras still maintains more forested area than other counties in the region. This article talks about mammal’s species in Honduras which has 200 species founded in the forest. Also it talks about birds that have an exceptional rich diversity, which 18 are parrot species. This article has information about trees and flowering plants. Some scientific says that are more than 5000 species of plants in Honduras.

eHow. 2014. Plants and Animals in Honduras. [Internet article][3/14/2014]. Available from:

Key ecosystems

This article is about the variety of forest ecosystem. DRY FORESTS (Bosque Seco) it’s a Tropical dry forests in Mesoamerica range from rain forest-like gallery woods along rivers (vegas) to isolated patches of endemic-rich thorn forest and scrub dominated by tree cacti. Though no old-growth forests are known, patches of diverse second-growth dry forests exist throughout the region. CLOUD FORESTS (Bosque Nublado) it’s over 100 Tropical Montane Cloud Forest "islands" are found on isolated mountaintops across just the Chortis Highlands section of Mesoamerica (brown dots on map at right), and range from as low as 1000 meters to almost 3000 meters above sea level. PINE-OAK FORESTS (Serrania or Bosque de Pino-Roble). Relatively few species of pines and oaks cover half of the entire Chortis Highlands section of Mesoamerica. 

Honduran Conservation Coalition. 2013-2015. Key Ecosystems. [Internet blog][3/03/2014]. Available from:!key-ecosystems/c1vpq

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